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MFX: Mozrt’s International
Payment Solution

With Interledger Compatibility

Experience the benefits of MFX, including its ability to synchronize with the Interledger protocol, effortlessly integrate with Rafiki, review past and pending transactions, generate and export comprehensive reports, and facilitate international USD and cross-border FX payments in just minutes. Plus, MFX offers unmatched security with multi-factor authentication and multi-level approvals, while also providing beneficiary and treasury management features. Scroll down to explore behind-the-scenes demos of the technology’s functionality, and feel free to reach out if you’re interested in harnessing the power of MFX.


Create a Beneficiary

Easily create a beneficiary so you can send money to anyone. All you need to do is select your payment system (ACH, Wire, or Interledger), indicate if your beneficiary is a “person” or “company, and enter all associated beneficiary details. You can add a new beneficiary in just minutes.


Create a payment

To make a payment, you can select your currency, and beneficiary. You will then select the amount you’d like to send in our chosen currency, add a description or note, and confirm the transaction. Once reviewed and approved, you can download your payment reference or return to view your transaction status and data on the platform at any time. Sending a payment take just a few quick clicks.


Interledger Payment Pointers

Learn how our system works with the Interledger Protocol.

Learn How Mozrt Can Help 

Reach out today to embark on a collaborative partnership, combining Mozrt's unrivaled expertise with your visionary ideas to revolutionize the financial landscape. Together, we can create something truly extraordinary and shape the future of finance.

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